We protect our employees & the environment.

Over our long history, RRD has led the way in setting and striving for the highest safety performance and for the lowest environmental impact.

Our EHS Management System

At RRD, we have developed a comprehensive management system that enables us to effectively control our EHS impacts worldwide using a model consistent with well-accepted international management standards, such as ISO.

The six elements of our EHS Management System include:

EHS Policy

Programs & Standards

EHS Roles & Responsibilities




This company level EHS Management system has positioned many of our worldwide locations to achieve External Certifications through 3rd party organizations.

The EHS Policy

Reviewed Date: July 2022

It is the policy of RRD to protect the health and safety of our employees, clients, and the public, and to conduct all activities in an environmentally responsible manner. We are committed to this policy worldwide as an integral part of being the world’s premier business and marketing communications company.

Senior Corporate management shall ensure alignment of RRD’s worldwide business strategy and operations with this Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) policy and confirm the commitment of RRD to:

  • Conduct global operations in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and other requirements, anticipate EHS issues and promote appropriate voluntary initiatives that support this policy;
  • Strive for an injury free workplace through high employee involvement and a strong health and safety program;
  • Minimize the EHS impact to our employees, facilities, and communities in which we do business;
  • Strive to continuously improve global EHS performance by utilizing practices that protect employees and the environment, including reducing the quantity of emissions, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, developing opportunities for recycling and pollution prevention and using paper, energy, water and other resources more efficiently;
  • Partner with our clients to ensure that we manufacture, source, and distribute products that meet all applicable safety regulations, and identify opportunities to further minimize their product’s environmental impact;
  • Train and motivate employees to conduct their activities in a safe and environmentally responsible manner; and
  • Review and report to executive management on a periodic basis the EHS performance of the global operations which may include the setting and review of EHS objectives and targets used to promote continuous improvement.

Furthermore, RRD will undertake to earn the public trust by communicating about our policies, programs and performance, and by advocating sound laws and regulations.

The Corporate Responsibility and Governance (“CRG”) Committee of the Board of Directors maintains overall responsibility for EHS policies. The Corporate EHS Organization shall review this policy with the CRG Committee on a periodic basis.

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact the Environmental, Health & Safety Organization of RRD at ehs@rrd.com.

close up of woman's eye looking up


At RRD, we are proud of our commitment to the safety of our employees and to protecting our environment. Over our long history, as expectations in these areas have grown, RRD has led the way in setting and striving for the highest safety performance and for the lowest environmental impact.

  • Create an injury-free workplace
  • Develop opportunities for recycling and pollution prevention
  • Reduce emissions
  • Use energy, water and other resources more efficiently

Environmental Preservation

At RRD, we strive to minimize our impact to the environment. We utilize pollution control systems as one tool to help us minimize our impact on the environment and the community, especially in our global locations. Installation and operation of control systems in our global locations allows us to provide environmental performance equal to that seen in our best performing facilities in the United States.

We have achieved 90-95% energy savings through the use of energy efficient pollution control equipment in our offset printing operations. This energy savings has allowed us to significantly reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases.

We are also currently managing air permits for all affected facilities. These permits require substantial reporting requirements, including mandatory self-reporting of non-compliance.

hands holding a chalk drawn earth

Environmental Rates

We've made great strides in reducing environmental emissions and conserving natural resources. Our goal is for our operations to meet all government-set standards globally. In many cases our performance goes well beyond what is required of us.

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)

The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a publicly available EPA database that contains information on toxic chemical releases and other waste management activities reported annually by certain covered industry groups as well as federal facilities. This inventory was established under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA) and expanded by the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990. RRD routinely works to ensure our locations are in compliance with TRI reporting requirements, where applicable.

Ontario Toxics Reduction Act

As a requirement of the Ontario Toxics Reduction Act, production facilities located in Ontario, Canada which emit and use certain chemicals over regulated thresholds are required to develop plans to reduce the use and creation of these chemicals (i.e., those listed in Schedule 1 of the National Pollutant Release Inventory Notice). The summary of our Toxics Reduction Plan for RRD’s Toronto facility is available The summary of our Toxics Reduction Plan for RRD’s Toronto facility here.

The summary of our Toxics Reduction Plan for RRD’s Mississauga facility is available The summary of our Toxics Reduction Plan for RRD’s Mississauga facility here.

Safety Rates

Our health and safety results mean the most to us because they help us to measure how well we are keeping our employees safe. While we report our numbers as a rate (which helps us to standardize our global reporting with the U.S. Government method for calculating injury rates), what they really come down to is the number of people who are hurt. Lower rates mean fewer injuries and more people are able to work and support their loved ones. Traditional "temporary" (or subcontracted) employees are also included in these numbers. In the chart below you can see our continuous improvement in our recordable case rate over the past several years. These numbers tell a great story, but we still believe we can do better!

safety equipment laid out on floor

Recordable Case Rate Bar Chart displaying a visual representation that the Print Industry Average equals 2.2 through May 31, 2022

Recordable Case Rates

The "Recordable Case Rates" is a rate, per 100 employees, of the number of times an employee received treatment beyond basic first aid for a work-related injury or illness (a "case").

Awards & Milestones

One of our key measures of employee health and safety is the amount of time (measured in years and in employee work hours) that we work without an injury that results in a recordable injury case (RC) or an injury that results in day(s) away from work (DAC).

For a listing of our Gold, Silver and Bronze award winners, please see the RRD Global Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

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